First of all,the nail file/mirror was a great purchase for me. It keeps me from having to find my backpack to get ouit a nail file. The mirror is great and gives a true reflection.
Now... This is my second brand of keyholder. The first one "broke" when the posts unscrewed themselves from use (opening and folding keys in). I was hoping since this was an actual KEYSMART, I was not going to have the same trouble, but alas, after a couple days, I had to take the handy dandy screwdriver (or quarter) and tighten the posts back up. I would think there would be a way to put it together so that this wasn't required, but so far, I've yet to see anything from anyone in so far as a compact keyholder like this one. Otherwise, I like it.
I did arrange my keys wrong the first time, thought I fixed it, and now I am going to have to rearrange again. I have learned not to have a high use key next to the keyfob holder. The high use key will not extend at a 90 degree angle to put in the door, so it makes things a little awkward.
I do worry about the keys becoming damaged whether the cut portion faces out (rubs against items in pocket) or in (rubbing against other keys). Until a better solution or keyoholder is found, I will be using this one as it does keep all my keys in one place.